Source code for pyLDAvis.utils

pyLDAvis Utilities
Utility routines for the pyLDAvis package

import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import warnings
from functools import wraps
import numpy as np
from . import urls

# Make sure that DeprecationWarning gets printed
warnings.simplefilter("always", DeprecationWarning)

[docs]def html_id_ok(objid, html5=False): """Check whether objid is valid as an HTML id attribute. If html5 == True, then use the more liberal html5 rules. """ if html5: return not'\s', objid) else: return bool(re.match("^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\:\_]*$", objid))
[docs]def get_id(obj, suffix="", prefix="el", warn_on_invalid=True): """Get a unique id for the object""" if not suffix: suffix = "" if not prefix: prefix = "" objid = prefix + str(os.getpid()) + str(id(obj)) + suffix if warn_on_invalid and not html_id_ok(objid): warnings.warn('"{0}" is not a valid html ID. This may cause problems') return objid
[docs]def write_ipynb_local_js(location=None, d3_src=None, ldavis_src=None, ldavis_css=None): """ Write the pyLDAvis and d3 javascript libraries to the given file location. This utility is used by the IPython notebook tools to enable easy use of pyLDAvis with no web connection. Parameters ---------- location : string (optioal) the directory in which the d3 and pyLDAvis javascript libraries will be written. If not specified, the IPython nbextensions directory will be used. If IPython doesn't support nbextensions (< 2.0), the current working directory will be used. d3_src : string (optional) the source location of the d3 library. If not specified, the standard path in pyLDAvis.urls.D3_LOCAL will be used. ldavis_src : string (optional) the source location of the pyLDAvis library. If not specified, the standard path in pyLDAvis.urls.LDAVIS_LOCAL will be used. Returns ------- d3_url, ldavis_url : string The URLs to be used for loading these js files. """ if location is None: try: from IPython.html import install_nbextension except ImportError: location = os.getcwd() nbextension = False else: nbextension = True else: nbextension = False if d3_src is None: d3_src = urls.D3_LOCAL if ldavis_src is None: ldavis_src = urls.LDAVIS_LOCAL if ldavis_css is None: ldavis_css = urls.LDAVIS_CSS_LOCAL d3js = os.path.basename(d3_src) ldavisjs = os.path.basename(ldavis_src) ldaviscss = os.path.basename(ldavis_css) if not os.path.exists(d3_src): raise ValueError("d3 src not found at '{0}'".format(d3_src)) if not os.path.exists(ldavis_src): raise ValueError("pyLDAvis src not found at '{0}'".format(ldavis_src)) if not os.path.exists(ldavis_css): raise ValueError("pyLDAvis src not found at '{0}'".format(ldavis_css)) if nbextension: # IPython 2.0+. # This will not work if a url prefix is added prefix = '/nbextensions/' try: [install_nbextension(ext) for ext in [d3_src, ldavis_src, ldavis_css]] except IOError: # files may be read only. We'll try deleting them and re-installing from IPython.utils.path import get_ipython_dir nbext = os.path.join(get_ipython_dir(), "nbextensions") for src in [d3_src, ldavis_src]: dest = os.path.join(nbext, os.path.basename(src)) if os.path.exists(dest): os.remove(dest) [install_nbextension(ext) for ext in [d3_src, ldavis_src, ldavis_css]] else: # IPython < 2.0 or explicit path. # This won't work if users have changed the kernel directory. prefix = '/files/' d3_dest = os.path.join(location, d3js) ldavis_dest = os.path.join(location, ldavisjs) ldavis_css_dest = os.path.join(location, ldaviscss) for src, dest in [(d3_src, d3_dest), (ldavis_src, ldavis_dest), (ldavis_css, ldavis_css_dest)]: try: shutil.copyfile(src, dest) except IOError: # file may be read only. We'll try deleting it first if os.path.exists(dest): os.remove(dest) shutil.copyfile(src, dest) return prefix + d3js, prefix + ldavisjs, prefix + ldaviscss
class NumPyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.int64) or isinstance(obj, np.int32): return int(obj) if isinstance(obj, np.float64) or isinstance(obj, np.float32): return float(obj) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)