Source code for pyLDAvis._prepare

pyLDAvis Prepare
Main transformation functions for preparing LDAdata to the visualization's data structures

from __future__ import absolute_import
from past.builtins import basestring
from collections import namedtuple
import json
import logging
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, cpu_count
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import entropy
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from .utils import NumPyEncoder
    from sklearn.manifold import MDS, TSNE
    sklearn_present = True
except ImportError:
    sklearn_present = False

def __num_dist_rows__(array, ndigits=2):
   return array.shape[0] - int((pd.DataFrame(array).sum(axis=1) < 0.999).sum())

class ValidationError(ValueError):

def _input_check(topic_term_dists, doc_topic_dists, doc_lengths, vocab, term_frequency):
   ttds = topic_term_dists.shape
   dtds = doc_topic_dists.shape
   errors = []
   def err(msg):

   if dtds[1] != ttds[0]:
      err('Number of rows of topic_term_dists does not match number of columns of doc_topic_dists; both should be equal to the number of topics in the model.')

   if len(doc_lengths) != dtds[0]:
      err('Length of doc_lengths not equal to the number of rows in doc_topic_dists; both should be equal to the number of documents in the data.')

   W = len(vocab)
   if ttds[1] != W:
      err('Number of terms in vocabulary does not match the number of columns of topic_term_dists (where each row of topic_term_dists is a probability distribution of terms for a given topic).')
   if len(term_frequency) != W:
      err('Length of term_frequency not equal to the number of terms in the vocabulary (len of vocab).')

   if __num_dist_rows__(topic_term_dists) != ttds[0]:
      err('Not all rows (distributions) in topic_term_dists sum to 1.')

   if __num_dist_rows__(doc_topic_dists) != dtds[0]:
      err('Not all rows (distributions) in doc_topic_dists sum to 1.')

   if len(errors) > 0:
      return errors

def _input_validate(*args):
   res = _input_check(*args)
   if res:
      raise ValidationError('\n' + '\n'.join([' * ' + s for s in res]))

def _jensen_shannon(_P, _Q):
    _M = 0.5 * (_P + _Q)
    return 0.5 * (entropy(_P, _M) + entropy(_Q, _M))

def _pcoa(pair_dists, n_components=2):
    """Principal Coordinate Analysis,
    aka Classical Multidimensional Scaling
    # code referenced from skbio.stats.ordination.pcoa

    # pairwise distance matrix is assumed symmetric
    pair_dists = np.asarray(pair_dists, np.float64)

    # perform SVD on double centred distance matrix
    n = pair_dists.shape[0]
    H = np.eye(n) - np.ones((n, n)) / n
    B = - ** 2).dot(H) / 2
    eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(B)

    # Take first n_components of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    # sorted in decreasing order
    ix = eigvals.argsort()[::-1][:n_components]
    eigvals = eigvals[ix]
    eigvecs = eigvecs[:, ix]

    # replace any remaining negative eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors with zeroes
    # at least 1 eigenvalue must be zero
    eigvals[np.isclose(eigvals, 0)] = 0
    if np.any(eigvals < 0):
        ix_neg = eigvals < 0
        eigvals[ix_neg] = np.zeros(eigvals[ix_neg].shape)
        eigvecs[:, ix_neg] = np.zeros(eigvecs[:, ix_neg].shape)

    return np.sqrt(eigvals) * eigvecs

[docs]def js_PCoA(distributions): """Dimension reduction via Jensen-Shannon Divergence & Principal Coordinate Analysis (aka Classical Multidimensional Scaling) Parameters ---------- distributions : array-like, shape (`n_dists`, `k`) Matrix of distributions probabilities. Returns ------- pcoa : array, shape (`n_dists`, 2) """ dist_matrix = squareform(pdist(distributions, metric=_jensen_shannon)) return _pcoa(dist_matrix)
def js_MMDS(distributions, **kwargs): """Dimension reduction via Jensen-Shannon Divergence & Metric Multidimensional Scaling Parameters ---------- distributions : array-like, shape (`n_dists`, `k`) Matrix of distributions probabilities. **kwargs : Keyword argument to be passed to `sklearn.manifold.MDS()` Returns ------- mmds : array, shape (`n_dists`, 2) """ dist_matrix = squareform(pdist(distributions, metric=_jensen_shannon)) model = MDS(n_components=2, random_state=0, dissimilarity='precomputed', **kwargs) return model.fit_transform(dist_matrix) def js_TSNE(distributions, **kwargs): """Dimension reduction via Jensen-Shannon Divergence & t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding Parameters ---------- distributions : array-like, shape (`n_dists`, `k`) Matrix of distributions probabilities. **kwargs : Keyword argument to be passed to `sklearn.manifold.TSNE()` Returns ------- tsne : array, shape (`n_dists`, 2) """ dist_matrix = squareform(pdist(distributions, metric=_jensen_shannon)) model = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0, metric='precomputed', **kwargs) return model.fit_transform(dist_matrix) def _df_with_names(data, index_name, columns_name): if type(data) == pd.DataFrame: # we want our index to be numbered df = pd.DataFrame(data.values) else: df = pd.DataFrame(data) = index_name = columns_name return df def _series_with_name(data, name): if type(data) == pd.Series: = name # ensures a numeric index return data.reset_index()[name] else: return pd.Series(data, name=name) def _topic_coordinates(mds, topic_term_dists, topic_proportion): K = topic_term_dists.shape[0] mds_res = mds(topic_term_dists) assert mds_res.shape == (K, 2) mds_df = pd.DataFrame({'x': mds_res[:,0], 'y': mds_res[:,1], 'topics': range(1, K + 1), \ 'cluster': 1, 'Freq': topic_proportion * 100}) # note: cluster (should?) be deprecated soon. See: return mds_df def _chunks(l, n): """ Yield successive n-sized chunks from l. """ for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i+n] def _job_chunks(l, n_jobs): n_chunks = n_jobs if n_jobs < 0: # so, have n chunks if we are using all n cores/cpus n_chunks = cpu_count() + 1 - n_jobs return _chunks(l, n_chunks) def _find_relevance(log_ttd, log_lift, R, lambda_): relevance = lambda_ * log_ttd + (1 - lambda_) * log_lift return relevance.T.apply(lambda s: s.sort_values(ascending=False).index).head(R) def _find_relevance_chunks(log_ttd, log_lift, R, lambda_seq): return pd.concat([_find_relevance(log_ttd, log_lift, R, l) for l in lambda_seq]) def _topic_info(topic_term_dists, topic_proportion, term_frequency, term_topic_freq, vocab, lambda_step, R, n_jobs): # marginal distribution over terms (width of blue bars) term_proportion = term_frequency / term_frequency.sum() # compute the distinctiveness and saliency of the terms: # this determines the R terms that are displayed when no topic is selected topic_given_term = topic_term_dists / topic_term_dists.sum() kernel = (topic_given_term * np.log((topic_given_term.T / topic_proportion).T)) distinctiveness = kernel.sum() saliency = term_proportion * distinctiveness # Order the terms for the "default" view by decreasing saliency: default_term_info = pd.DataFrame({'saliency': saliency, 'Term': vocab, \ 'Freq': term_frequency, 'Total': term_frequency, \ 'Category': 'Default'}). \ sort_values(by='saliency', ascending=False). \ head(R).drop('saliency', 1) # Rounding Freq and Total to integer values to match LDAvis code: default_term_info['Freq'] = np.floor(default_term_info['Freq']) default_term_info['Total'] = np.floor(default_term_info['Total']) ranks = np.arange(R, 0, -1) default_term_info['logprob'] = default_term_info['loglift'] = ranks ## compute relevance and top terms for each topic log_lift = np.log(topic_term_dists / term_proportion) log_ttd = np.log(topic_term_dists) lambda_seq = np.arange(0, 1 + lambda_step, lambda_step) def topic_top_term_df(tup): new_topic_id, (original_topic_id, topic_terms) = tup term_ix = topic_terms.unique() return pd.DataFrame({'Term': vocab[term_ix], \ 'Freq': term_topic_freq.loc[original_topic_id, term_ix], \ 'Total': term_frequency[term_ix], \ 'logprob': log_ttd.loc[original_topic_id, term_ix].round(4), \ 'loglift': log_lift.loc[original_topic_id, term_ix].round(4), \ 'Category': 'Topic%d' % new_topic_id}) top_terms = pd.concat(Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_find_relevance_chunks)(log_ttd, log_lift, R, ls) \ for ls in _job_chunks(lambda_seq, n_jobs))) topic_dfs = map(topic_top_term_df, enumerate(top_terms.T.iterrows(), 1)) return pd.concat([default_term_info] + list(topic_dfs), sort=True) def _token_table(topic_info, term_topic_freq, vocab, term_frequency): # last, to compute the areas of the circles when a term is highlighted # we must gather all unique terms that could show up (for every combination # of topic and value of lambda) and compute its distribution over topics. # term-topic frequency table of unique terms across all topics and all values of lambda term_ix = topic_info.index.unique() term_ix = np.sort(term_ix) top_topic_terms_freq = term_topic_freq[term_ix] # use the new ordering for the topics K = len(term_topic_freq) top_topic_terms_freq.index = range(1, K + 1) = 'Topic' # we filter to Freq >= 0.5 to avoid sending too much data to the browser token_table = pd.DataFrame({'Freq': top_topic_terms_freq.unstack()}). \ reset_index().set_index('term'). \ query('Freq >= 0.5') token_table['Freq'] = token_table['Freq'].round() token_table['Term'] = vocab[token_table.index.values].values # Normalize token frequencies: token_table['Freq'] = token_table.Freq / term_frequency[token_table.index] return token_table.sort_values(by=['Term', 'Topic'])
[docs]def prepare(topic_term_dists, doc_topic_dists, doc_lengths, vocab, term_frequency, \ R=30, lambda_step=0.01, mds=js_PCoA, n_jobs=-1, \ plot_opts={'xlab': 'PC1', 'ylab': 'PC2'}, sort_topics=True): """Transforms the topic model distributions and related corpus data into the data structures needed for the visualization. Parameters ---------- topic_term_dists : array-like, shape (`n_topics`, `n_terms`) Matrix of topic-term probabilities. Where `n_terms` is `len(vocab)`. doc_topic_dists : array-like, shape (`n_docs`, `n_topics`) Matrix of document-topic probabilities. doc_lengths : array-like, shape `n_docs` The length of each document, i.e. the number of words in each document. The order of the numbers should be consistent with the ordering of the docs in `doc_topic_dists`. vocab : array-like, shape `n_terms` List of all the words in the corpus used to train the model. term_frequency : array-like, shape `n_terms` The count of each particular term over the entire corpus. The ordering of these counts should correspond with `vocab` and `topic_term_dists`. R : int The number of terms to display in the barcharts of the visualization. Default is 30. Recommended to be roughly between 10 and 50. lambda_step : float, between 0 and 1 Determines the interstep distance in the grid of lambda values over which to iterate when computing relevance. Default is 0.01. Recommended to be between 0.01 and 0.1. mds : function or a string representation of function A function that takes `topic_term_dists` as an input and outputs a `n_topics` by `2` distance matrix. The output approximates the distance between topics. See :func:`js_PCoA` for details on the default function. A string representation currently accepts `pcoa` (or upper case variant), `mmds` (or upper case variant) and `tsne` (or upper case variant), if `sklearn` package is installed for the latter two. n_jobs : int The number of cores to be used to do the computations. The regular joblib conventions are followed so `-1`, which is the default, will use all cores. plot_opts : dict, with keys 'xlab' and `ylab` Dictionary of plotting options, right now only used for the axis labels. sort_topics : sort topics by topic proportion (percentage of tokens covered). Set to false to to keep original topic order. Returns ------- prepared_data : PreparedData A named tuple containing all the data structures required to create the visualization. To be passed on to functions like :func:`display`. Notes ----- This implements the method of `Sievert, C. and Shirley, K. (2014): LDAvis: A Method for Visualizing and Interpreting Topics, ACL Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces.` See Also -------- :func:`save_json`: save json representation of a figure to file :func:`save_html` : save html representation of a figure to file :func:`show` : launch a local server and show a figure in a browser :func:`display` : embed figure within the IPython notebook :func:`enable_notebook` : automatically embed visualizations in IPython notebook """ # parse mds if isinstance(mds, basestring): mds = mds.lower() if mds == 'pcoa': mds = js_PCoA elif mds in ('mmds', 'tsne'): if sklearn_present: mds_opts = {'mmds': js_MMDS, 'tsne': js_TSNE} mds = mds_opts[mds] else: logging.warning('sklearn not present, switch to PCoA') mds = js_PCoA else: logging.warning('Unknown mds `%s`, switch to PCoA' % mds) mds = js_PCoA topic_term_dists = _df_with_names(topic_term_dists, 'topic', 'term') doc_topic_dists = _df_with_names(doc_topic_dists, 'doc', 'topic') term_frequency = _series_with_name(term_frequency, 'term_frequency') doc_lengths = _series_with_name(doc_lengths, 'doc_length') vocab = _series_with_name(vocab, 'vocab') _input_validate(topic_term_dists, doc_topic_dists, doc_lengths, vocab, term_frequency) R = min(R, len(vocab)) topic_freq = (doc_topic_dists.T * doc_lengths).T.sum() # topic_freq =, doc_lengths) if (sort_topics): topic_proportion = (topic_freq / topic_freq.sum()).sort_values(ascending=False) else: topic_proportion = (topic_freq / topic_freq.sum()) topic_order = topic_proportion.index # reorder all data based on new ordering of topics topic_freq = topic_freq[topic_order] topic_term_dists = topic_term_dists.iloc[topic_order] doc_topic_dists = doc_topic_dists[topic_order] # token counts for each term-topic combination (widths of red bars) term_topic_freq = (topic_term_dists.T * topic_freq).T ## Quick fix for red bar width bug. We calculate the ## term frequencies internally, using the topic term distributions and the ## topic frequencies, rather than using the user-supplied term frequencies. ## For a detailed discussion, see: term_frequency = np.sum(term_topic_freq, axis=0) topic_info = _topic_info(topic_term_dists, topic_proportion, term_frequency, term_topic_freq, vocab, lambda_step, R, n_jobs) token_table = _token_table(topic_info, term_topic_freq, vocab, term_frequency) topic_coordinates = _topic_coordinates(mds, topic_term_dists, topic_proportion) client_topic_order = [x + 1 for x in topic_order] return PreparedData(topic_coordinates, topic_info, token_table, R, lambda_step, plot_opts, client_topic_order)
[docs]class PreparedData(namedtuple('PreparedData', ['topic_coordinates', 'topic_info', 'token_table',\ 'R', 'lambda_step', 'plot_opts', 'topic_order'])): def to_dict(self): return {'mdsDat': self.topic_coordinates.to_dict(orient='list'), 'tinfo': self.topic_info.to_dict(orient='list'), 'token.table': self.token_table.to_dict(orient='list'), 'R': self.R, 'lambda.step': self.lambda_step, 'plot.opts': self.plot_opts, 'topic.order': self.topic_order} def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), cls=NumPyEncoder)