Source code for pyLDAvis._display

# this file is largely based on
# Copyright (c) 2013, Jake Vanderplas
# It was adapted for pyLDAvis by Ben Mabey
import warnings
import random
import json
import jinja2
import numpy
import re
import os
from ._server import serve
from .utils import get_id, write_ipynb_local_js, NumPyEncoder
from ._prepare import PreparedData
from . import urls

__all__ = ["prepared_data_to_html", "display",
           "show", "save_html", "save_json",
           "enable_notebook", "disable_notebook"]

# Simple HTML template. This works in standalone web pages for single visualizations,
# but will not work within the IPython notebook due to the presence of
# requirejs
SIMPLE_HTML = jinja2.Template("""
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ d3_url }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ldavis_url }}"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ ldavis_css_url }}">

<div id={{ visid }}></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
       new LDAvis("#" + {{ visid }}, {{ vis_json }});

# RequireJS template.  If requirejs and jquery are not defined, this will
# result in an error.  This is suitable for use within the IPython notebook.
REQUIREJS_HTML = jinja2.Template("""

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ ldavis_css_url }}">

<div id={{ visid }}></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

var {{ visid_raw }}_data = {{ vis_json }};
if(typeof(window.LDAvis) !== "undefined"){
       new LDAvis("#" + {{ visid }}, {{ visid_raw }}_data);
  require.config({paths: {d3: "{{ d3_url[:-3] }}"}});
  require(["d3"], function(d3){
    window.d3 = d3;
    $.getScript("{{ ldavis_url }}", function(){
       new LDAvis("#" + {{ visid }}, {{ visid_raw }}_data);

# General HTML template.  This should work correctly whether or not requirejs
# is defined, and whether it's embedded in a notebook or in a standalone
# HTML page.
GENERAL_HTML = jinja2.Template("""
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ ldavis_css_url }}">

<div id={{ visid }}></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

var {{ visid_raw }}_data = {{ vis_json }};

function LDAvis_load_lib(url, callback){
  var s = document.createElement('script');
  s.src = url;
  s.async = true;
  s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = callback;
  s.onerror = function(){console.warn("failed to load library " + url);};

if(typeof(LDAvis) !== "undefined"){
   // already loaded: just create the visualization
       new LDAvis("#" + {{ visid }}, {{ visid_raw }}_data);
}else if(typeof define === "function" && define.amd){
   // require.js is available: use it to load d3/LDAvis
   require.config({paths: {d3: "{{ d3_url[:-3] }}"}});
   require(["d3"], function(d3){
      window.d3 = d3;
      LDAvis_load_lib("{{ ldavis_url }}", function(){
        new LDAvis("#" + {{ visid }}, {{ visid_raw }}_data);
    // require.js not available: dynamically load d3 & LDAvis
    LDAvis_load_lib("{{ d3_url }}", function(){
         LDAvis_load_lib("{{ ldavis_url }}", function(){
                 new LDAvis("#" + {{ visid }}, {{ visid_raw }}_data);

                 "notebook": REQUIREJS_HTML,
                 "general": GENERAL_HTML}

[docs]def prepared_data_to_html(data, d3_url=None, ldavis_url=None, ldavis_css_url=None, template_type="general", visid=None, use_http=False): """Output HTML with embedded visualization Parameters ---------- data : PreparedData, created using :func:`prepare` The data for the visualization. d3_url : string (optional) The URL of the d3 library. If not specified, a standard web path will be used. ldavis_url : string (optional) The URL of the LDAvis library. If not specified, a standard web path will be used. template_type : string string specifying the type of HTML template to use. Options are: ``"simple"`` suitable for a simple html page with one visualization. Will fail if require.js is available on the page. ``"notebook"`` assumes require.js and jquery are available. ``"general"`` more complicated, but works both in and out of the notebook, whether or not require.js and jquery are available visid : string (optional) The html/css id of the visualization div, which must not contain spaces. If not specified, a random id will be generated. use_http : boolean (optional) If true, use http:// instead of https:// for d3_url and ldavis_url. Returns ------- vis_html : string the HTML visualization See Also -------- :func:`save_json`: save json representation of visualization to file :func:`save_html` : save html representation of a visualization to file :func:`show` : launch a local server and show a visualization in a browser :func:`display` : embed visualization within the IPython notebook :func:`enable_notebook` : automatically embed visualizations in IPython notebook """ template = TEMPLATE_DICT[template_type] d3_url = d3_url or urls.D3_URL ldavis_url = ldavis_url or urls.LDAVIS_URL ldavis_css_url = ldavis_css_url or urls.LDAVIS_CSS_URL if use_http: d3_url = d3_url.replace('https://', 'http://') ldavis_url = ldavis_url.replace('https://', 'http://') if visid is None: visid = 'ldavis_' + get_id(data) + str(int(random.random() * 1E10)) elif'\s', visid): raise ValueError("visid must not contain spaces") return template.render(visid=json.dumps(visid), visid_raw=visid, d3_url=d3_url, ldavis_url=ldavis_url, vis_json=data.to_json(), ldavis_css_url=ldavis_css_url)
[docs]def display(data, local=False, **kwargs): """Display visualization in IPython notebook via the HTML display hook Parameters ---------- data : PreparedData, created using :func:`prepare` The data for the visualization. local : boolean (optional, default=False) if True, then copy the d3 & mpld3 libraries to a location visible to the notebook server, and source them from there. See Notes below. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments are passed through to :func:`prepared_data_to_html`. Returns ------- vis_d3 : IPython.display.HTML object the IPython HTML rich display of the visualization. Notes ----- Known issues: using ``local=True`` may not work correctly in certain cases: - In IPython < 2.0, ``local=True`` may fail if the current working directory is changed within the notebook (e.g. with the %cd command). - In IPython 2.0+, ``local=True`` may fail if a url prefix is added (e.g. by setting NotebookApp.base_url). See Also -------- :func:`show` : launch a local server and show a visualization in a browser :func:`enable_notebook` : automatically embed visualizations in IPython notebook """ # import here, in case users don't have requirements installed from IPython.display import HTML if local: if 'ldavis_url' in kwargs or 'd3_url' in kwargs: warnings.warn( "display: specified urls are ignored when local=True") kwargs['d3_url'], kwargs['ldavis_url'], kwargs['ldavis_css_url'] = write_ipynb_local_js() return HTML(prepared_data_to_html(data, **kwargs))
[docs]def show(data, ip='', port=8888, n_retries=50, local=True, open_browser=True, http_server=None, **kwargs): """Starts a local webserver and opens the visualization in a browser. Parameters ---------- data : PreparedData, created using :func:`prepare` The data for the visualization. ip : string, default = '' the ip address used for the local server port : int, default = 8888 the port number to use for the local server. If already in use, a nearby open port will be found (see n_retries) n_retries : int, default = 50 the maximum number of ports to try when locating an empty port. local : bool, default = True if True, use the local d3 & LDAvis javascript versions, within the js/ folder. If False, use the standard urls. open_browser : bool (optional) if True (default), then open a web browser to the given HTML http_server : class (optional) optionally specify an HTTPServer class to use for showing the visualization. The default is Python's basic HTTPServer. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments are passed through to :func:`prepared_data_to_html` See Also -------- :func:`display` : embed visualization within the IPython notebook :func:`enable_notebook` : automatically embed visualizations in IPython notebook """ if local: kwargs['ldavis_url'] = '/LDAvis.js' kwargs['d3_url'] = '/d3.js' kwargs['ldavis_css_url'] = '/LDAvis.css' files = {'/LDAvis.js': ["text/javascript", open(urls.LDAVIS_LOCAL, 'r').read()], '/LDAvis.css': ["text/css", open(urls.LDAVIS_CSS_LOCAL, 'r').read()], '/d3.js': ["text/javascript", open(urls.D3_LOCAL, 'r').read()]} else: files = None html = prepared_data_to_html(data, **kwargs) serve(html, ip=ip, port=port, n_retries=n_retries, files=files, open_browser=open_browser, http_server=http_server)
[docs]def enable_notebook(local=False, **kwargs): """Enable the automatic display of visualizations in the IPython Notebook. Parameters ---------- local : boolean (optional, default=False) if True, then copy the d3 & LDAvis libraries to a location visible to the notebook server, and source them from there. See Notes below. **kwargs : all keyword parameters are passed through to :func:`prepared_data_to_html` Notes ----- Known issues: using ``local=True`` may not work correctly in certain cases: - In IPython < 2.0, ``local=True`` may fail if the current working directory is changed within the notebook (e.g. with the %cd command). - In IPython 2.0+, ``local=True`` may fail if a url prefix is added (e.g. by setting NotebookApp.base_url). See Also -------- :func:`disable_notebook` : undo the action of enable_notebook :func:`display` : embed visualization within the IPython notebook :func:`show` : launch a local server and show a visualization in a browser """ try: from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython except ImportError: raise ImportError('This feature requires IPython 1.0+') if local: if 'ldavis_url' in kwargs or 'd3_url' in kwargs: warnings.warn( "enable_notebook: specified urls are ignored when local=True") kwargs['d3_url'], kwargs['ldavis_url'], kwargs['ldavis_css_url'] = write_ipynb_local_js() ip = get_ipython() formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['text/html'] formatter.for_type(PreparedData, lambda data, kwds=kwargs: prepared_data_to_html(data, **kwds))
[docs]def disable_notebook(): """Disable the automatic display of visualizations in the IPython Notebook. See Also -------- :func:`enable_notebook` : automatically embed visualizations in IPython notebook """ try: from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython except ImportError: raise ImportError('This feature requires IPython 1.0+') ip = get_ipython() formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['text/html'] formatter.type_printers.pop(PreparedData, None)
[docs]def save_html(data, fileobj, **kwargs): """Save an embedded visualization to file. This will produce a self-contained HTML file. Internet access is still required for the D3 and LDAvis libraries. Parameters ---------- data : PreparedData, created using :func:`prepare` The data for the visualization. fileobj : filename or file object The filename or file-like object in which to write the HTML representation of the visualization. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments will be passed to :func:`prepared_data_to_html` See Also -------- :func:`save_json`: save json representation of a visualization to file :func:`prepared_data_to_html` : output html representation of the visualization :func:`fig_to_dict` : output dictionary representation of the visualization """ try: if isinstance(fileobj, basestring): fileobj = open(fileobj, 'w') except NameError: if isinstance(fileobj, str): fileobj = open(fileobj, 'w') if not hasattr(fileobj, 'write'): raise ValueError("fileobj should be a filename or a writable file") fileobj.write(prepared_data_to_html(data, **kwargs))
[docs]def save_json(data, fileobj): """Save the visualization's data a json file. Parameters ---------- data : PreparedData, created using :func:`prepare` The data for the visualization. fileobj : filename or file object The filename or file-like object in which to write the HTML representation of the visualization. See Also -------- :func:`save_html` : save html representation of a visualization to file :func:`prepared_data_to_html` : output html representation of the visualization """ try: if isinstance(fileobj, basestring): fileobj = open(fileobj, 'w') except NameError: if isinstance(fileobj, str): fileobj = open(fileobj, 'w') if not hasattr(fileobj, 'write'): raise ValueError("fileobj should be a filename or a writable file") json.dump(data.to_dict(), fileobj, cls=NumPyEncoder)